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at the Irish Times Pub & Restaurant (333 Hecla St. Laurium, Mi.)


I would sincerely like to thank all of our sponsors for the sponsorship they have provided for KDL Entertainment's 1st Annual COPPER COUNTRY KARAOKE CONTEST to be held between October 11th, 2014 and November 22nd, 2014. Thanks to your generous sponsorship, we are able to provide our winners with spectacular prizes at the end of our contest. This event would not have been as successful without the wonderful support you have provided us. We sincerely hope you will continue to support us in our future endeavors. THANK YOU!!

The Office Shop - Calumet, Mi.         Northern Cuts - Calumet, Mi.         Ace Hardware - Calumet, Mi.

The Irish Times Pub & Restaurant - Laurium, Mi.         Jim's Pizza - Calumet, Mi.         White House Motel - Mohawk, Mi.

Trail Creek Motors - Laurium, Mi.         Out Of The Norm Tattoos - Calumet, Mi.

Web site © Nicole Swan September 2013